Training for Education
Effective support for children and young people with Speech, Language and Communication Needs requires a ‘whole system’ approach where everyone understands the importance of communication skills, can recognise communication needs, and has knowledge of support strategies. This requires high quality training that has a direct impact on teaching practice and support. Effective training is so important that we have developed a separate training part of our organisation that includes our innovative SILSA Programme (Speech, Interaction and Language Support Assistant). All our training is now run through SILSA which includes:
We provide training in a variety of topics including; best practice for vocabulary development, helping children understand in class, and supporting children with specific needs such as speech sound disorders, selective mutism and stammering.
This provides a high level of initial training for one or more members of staff to learn how to identify and support children with SLCN. Following this initial training, support is provided on an ongoing basis via half-termly support meetings, an annual study day and whole-school training.
Elkan have developed a range of accredited courses for supporting children with SLCN. These provide the accredited component of the SILSA Programme but courses can also be accessed on a stand-alone basis without completing the whole SILSA Programme.